Hi God, Let's Talk! Lesson 3/8 - Declaring Prayer

Hey, kids! Have you ever wanted to talk to God? Guess what! You can! And it's as simple as picking up the phone and calling your best friend. In this series, we're going to look at all the different ways we can pray! You might have heard some of these words before -- words like intercession, repentance, and thanksgiving. There are all words that describe prayer, and prayer is simply talking and listening to God.

Lesson 3 - Declaring Prayer

This lesson is about Declaring Prayer. We use Declaring Prayer to decree and declare the promises of God we find in the Bible. Jesus, walking with His disciples, cursed a fruitless fig tree. When His disciples later saw the tree had withered, they were amazed! Jesus taught His disciples that believing in what you say with your mouth is faith. And even with a small amount of faith you can move a mountain! That's declaring prayer!

Lesson Video with Sherwin the Sheep and Friends: Declaring Prayer

Supporting Video: Cursing Fig Tree; Rocksolid Cartoon Bible Stories

Declaring Prayer Activity Sheets - preschool

Declaring Prayer Activity Sheets - elementary

Thank you for teaching your children God’s truths! You have made a difference in the hearts and lives of your children today. For any questions or further lesson supports, please contact me at hello@gatewayvictory.com.

May God bless you on your prayer journey,



Hi God, Let's Talk! Lesson 4/8 - Asking Prayer


Hi God, Let's Talk! Lesson 2/8 - The Prayer of Praise