Jesus & the Holy Week - Monday
Hi Kids!
This is a very special week – when Jesus was on Earth, this was the week before He died and rose again! If you read the stories of this week in your Bible, you’ll find that Jesus did some pretty neat things. We’ll look at some of these events every day this week. Today we’re going to look at…
Jesus Cleanses the Temple (Matthew 21:12-17, Mark 11:15-19, Luke 19:45-48)
After Jesus’ Triumphal Entry, Jesus went to the temple in Jerusalem. There He *cleaned house!* He drove out the money changers and the merchants. If you’d like to watch a video of this story, check this one out…
Why did Jesus clear out the temple? Some people believe that the merchants were charging way too much money for people to come and buy an animal to offer for a sacrifice, and Jesus was displeased with that. Other people say that the temple was supposed to be the place where the Jews brought their sacrifices, and where they praised God. All business for purchasing animals was done outside the temple, but because of the Romans, the Jews had decided to move that business inside the temple. Whatever the reason, Jesus knew that what they were doing was the wrong way to use the temple, and He cleared them all out. Then He began to do the right thing – teaching and healing, and ministering to the people who came there.
Let’s take a look at our own hearts. Our hearts are what we use to bring worship to God, and our devotion and obedience to Him. Is there something in your life, or heart, that is taking the place of that? Is there a voice we’re listening to that is getting in the way of being able to hear His voice and be obedient to Jesus? What do you spend a lot of time on? Or what do you spend your money on? What ability are you focusing on to try and get better at? Are any of these taking the place of what Jesus would want you to do? Are they in the way of you being able to hear His voice? Remember, Jesus knows your heart, you don’t have to be afraid. He knows how much we want to please Him.
Let’s pray together…
“Dear Father, I’m sorry for allowing other things to have a place in my heart instead of You. Please wash me and make me clean. I want to hear You and obey Your voice. Thank you for cleansing my heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Here’s a verse to read today. Read it out loud with your mom and dad. Talk about what it means with them…
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10
And here are some fun activity ideas! Remember how yesterday was Palm Sunday? See if you can try and recreate what that looked like with your Lego! You could also do the story of Jesus in the temple, too. See the pictures to get some ideas for your own Bible scenes. If you do one, make sure you take a picture and send it to me at
Have a wonderful day filled with His blessings, Mara