Jesus & the Holy Week - Tuesday

Hi, Kids!

This is a very special week – when Jesus was on Earth, this was the week before He died and rose again! If you read the stories of this week in your Bible, you’ll find that Jesus did some pretty neat things. We’ll look at some of these events every day this week. Today we’re going to look at…

The Withered Fig Tree (Matthew 21:18-22; Mark 11:12-14, 20-24)

On the same day Jesus cleaned out the temple, He also walked by a fruitless fig tree and cursed it. The next day when He and His disciples walked past it, it was completely withered up from the roots. Not only is Jesus interested in clearing out messy things in our life (like how He cleaned out the temple which we talked about yesterday), He also is interested in getting rid of anything that doesn’t do us any good. If you’d like to watch a video of this story, check this one out here  (Search terms: Fig tree Cursed; Global Gospel)

What do you have in your life that isn’t doing you any good? This really makes me think of a way of thinking or believing that doesn’t bring me any life. For instance, if I believed God wants to hurt me, and not save me, that belief will not help me! Here are some truths that we know from the Bible. Check them out to see if you believe them. If you have a question about one of these, feel free to give me a call or an email at, and I’ll be happy to show you some verses that explain why we believe these things…

                … God is good, all the time!                                         … God wants me to do well!

                … God loves me, no matter what!                             … God is my Healer, Provider, and Protector!

                … God has a plan for my life!

Let’s pray together…

“Dear Father, I want to believe and know what is true about You. Holy Spirit, teach me and guide me into all truth. Show me what I should believe about You. Clean out any wrong ways to believe about You. Thank you for caring about me believing what is good. I love you! In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Here’s a verse to read today. Read it out loud with your mom and dad. Talk about what it means with them…

“When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth.” John 16:13

And  here's a fun activity idea for you! A craft that uses your hand, some black paper, and white and red paint. Take a picture of your final result and send it to me!


Jesus & the Holy Week - Wednesday


Jesus & the Holy Week - Monday