Palm Sunday 2020

Happy Palm Sunday!

 What’s that?! Are we supposed to do something with the palms of our hands this Sunday?

Not quite! Palm Sunday is the Sunday where the Jews welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem with shouts of praise while they waved palm branches. Everyone was shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” Jesus was riding on a donkey and people placed the branches and their coats down on the ground for Him to ride over. We call this Jesus’ Triumphal Entry!

 Activity: Make your own palm branches! See the Palm Branch Craft Sheet attached.

 You can read about this triumphal entry in every one of the gospels.

Pick one of these passages to read with your kids:

Matthew 21:1-9          Mark 11:1-11              Luke 19:28-44             John 12:12-19

Or, here’s a great video you can watch with your kids about Palm Sunday and Jesus' Triumphal Entry (by Saddleback Kids)

 What do you think “Hosanna!” means? It’s an exclamation of praise that means, “O save us!”

Palm Sunday also marks the beginning of Jesus’ last week on Earth before His death. Jesus knew His time on Earth was coming to a close, and He did what was needed to come “save us.”

 Of all the things Jesus did, what He did the most was clearing out or cleansing things: the temple, the fig tree, and washing the disciples’ feet at the Last Supper. Jesus did other things to prepare Himself and His followers: He was anointed by Mary, He started the first communion that we still do today, He preached His last sermon, and He prayed for His disciples and everyone who would ever follow Him. This includes you and me!

 What can you do this week that can prepare you for Easter? We’re going to look at some of the things Jesus did each day this week, so make sure you check back here every day for a new mini lesson and activities.

 Here’s a prayer of dedication to say over our kids this week, and some songs for you to enjoy together. And remember the activity sheets for this week, too! Enjoy!

Prayer: Dear Father, we come before You with our hearts. Please cleanse us and make our hearts new. We receive Your love, and call you Lord over our lives. Hosanna! Thank You for coming to Earth and dying on the cross to save us. We love you!

 Hosanna! (by the Donut Man)

King of Kings! (also by the Donut Man)

Activity Sheets

Palm Branch Craft

Palm Sunday Puzzle Sheet

Palm Sunday Word Search


Jesus & the Holy Week - Monday


Made for Praise! - Review Lesson