Gateway Victory Church

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Made for Praise! - Review Lesson

Made for Praise! Teaching Kids the Power of Praise – Review Lesson


Hey Parents! We've been studying the Hebrew words for praise in the Bible. This week's lesson reviews all the Hebrew words for Praise that we covered recently. Here are some activities and links to explore with your kids at home...


“Praising the Lord” is more than just singing a couple of songs in church on a Sunday; it is an expression to God of what we feel about Him in our hearts, and ultimately praising the Lord is a way of life! God moves in great power when we praise the Lord!


Activity: See how many words your kids can remember from the following list. If they need a little reward motivation, try awarding each word and/or meaning they remember with a raisin, chocolate chip, potato chip, or something else you know they enjoy. Here’s the list:

            Hallal = to boast

            Barak = to bless

            Tehillah = to sing

            Yadah = to lift hands

            Zamar = with instruments

            Shabach = to shout

            Todah = with a loud voice

            Hallelujah = praise the Lord!


Teaching: Why Do We Praise the Lord?

Just like we learned about all these ways to praise the Lord from the Bible, and we looked at people in the Bible who did them, we still praise the Lord using these ways today! Better than that, we can do them with others, like at church, or we can do them by ourselves. We can praise the Lord any time and any where.


But why do we praise? Psalm 22:3 says, “But You are holy, You who inhabit the praises of Israel.” Another version says, “You are enthroned on the praises of Your people.”


When we praise the Lord, we are preparing a place in our hearts for His presence to come and live with us. God wants to be involved in our lives and praise is one of the ways He does that. His presence in our lives is what will do for us all the things praise did for the people in the Bible stories we looked at. Like…


For Jehoshaphat – He sent out the praisers and singers ahead of his army into battle. But when they all arrived at the battle scene, the enemy was already defeated and the fight was already over! When we praise and sing songs on Sunday, God is already defeating the devil and where he wants to attack us on Wednesday. And when we get to Wednesday, there’s no devil anymore, and we didn’t even know he was there!


For Paul and Silas – When they praised the Lord in jail, God broke their chains and set them free, and others around them got saved, too! When we praise, God sets us free from sadness, fear and pain, and others around us are set free, too.


So is it important to praise the Lord? Yes!

Is it a smart thing to do? Yes!

Does it help us? Yes!


Here’s a little video you can watch with your kids about the importance of praise and worship:

Why Do We Worship?


And if you would like some help to inspire your kids *TO* worship, check out this one:

One Minute Tip: Teaching Kids How to Worship


Pray with your kids and then spend some time praising!

Here's a great prayer to pray, and some great song to sing with them, too.

Have fun!



Dear Father, I praise You! Thank you for making praise something so fun to do as a way that you can get involved and help me in my life! Holy Spirit, I give you my heart, and I give you my praise! Thank you, Jesus!


Praise songs:

Crazy Noise

Tiny Little Voice


And remember the activity sheets for this week, too! Enjoy!

Puzzle Sheet - Find the Difference

Puzzle Sheet - Matching

Puzzle Sheet - Wordsearch