Made for Praise! Lesson 6/8 - Shabach

What is praise and worship? Are there different ways to praise the Lord? What’s it for? How do we do it? The following lessons help kids explore what it means to praise the Lord, and the amazing power and results we can get from doing it. Different words in the Bible are translated as “praise,” and each of them describes a different way to praise.

 Today’s Hebrew Praise Word: Shabach which means to shout and express glory or triumph! Joshua and the Israelites did this when they marched around Jericho for 6 days and on the 7th day they shouted in triumph and the walls of the city fell down! Check it out in Joshua 6.

 Here’s our teaching video that talks all about this: Made for Praise - Lesson 6 - Shabach

And here’s a video about this Bible Story: Walls of Jericho; Saddleback Kids

We see Shabach when people cheer for a winning goal or team. Another time you’ll see Shabach is when your parents surprise you with a trip to Disneyland. That shout and cheer you give is Shabach. It’s glory and triumph you can’t help but make a noise about. Jesus won against the devil when He rose from the dead, and we can Shabach about that, too!

 And that brings us to our praise motto this week: When I praise the Lord, walls fall down!


Here are some activity sheets you can do to support this lesson

Made for Praise – Lesson 6 Outline – Shabach

Made for Praise – Lesson 6 – Elementary Activity Sheet

Made for Praise – Lesson 6 – Preschool Activity Sheet


And remember, you were made for praise!

Mara Fraser


Made for Praise! Lesson 7/8 - Todah


Made for Praise! Lesson 5/8 - Zamar