Vacation Bible School - Option 2: I Am His Disciple! What It Means to Follow Jesus
Hey, parents and kids,
Happy Summer! Summer is a great time for playing outside, having fun with your friends and learning more about Jesus, too! Maybe some of you have been to a Vacation Bible School, which is like going to Kids’ Church every day all week, where you play games, do crafts, have great snacks, all while you learn about God!
Parents, each week this July, I’ll be featuring one of the great series we did over the past year. Why not spend some time with your kids learning about Jesus every day one week (or two!)? You can even invite other kids from your neighbourhood and have your own Vacation Bible School. And if you do that, I can almost guarantee that you will get the chance to help children make the most important decision of their lives – and that is to ask Jesus to become their Lord.
This week we’re featuring what it means to be a follower of Jesus in our series called I Am His Disciple! Here are the links to each of nine lessons about about what Jesus promised to do for His disciples, and that includes us! When we decide to follow Jesus, we are called His disciples. But did you know Jesus did special things just for His disciples? Each of these lessons features a different promise Jesus makes for those who follow Him, for example, giving us a new identity, meeting all our needs (spirit, soul, and body) and empowering us to do His work.
With each lesson you’ll find video links, activity sheets, memory verses, object lessons and a lesson outline, all right there. So it’s easy for you and your kids to follow and have fun!
Lesson 1: Jesus Calls His Disciples
Lesson 2: Jesus Reveals the Kingdom to His Disciples
Lesson 3: Jesus Meets the Needs of His Disciples
Lesson 4: Jesus Empowers His Disciples
Lesson 5: Jesus Tells His Disciples the Future
Lesson 6: Jesus Loves and Serves His Disciples
Lesson 7: Jesus Prays for His Disciples
Lesson 8: Jesus Appears to His Disciples
Lesson 9: Jesus Commissions His Disciples
Be blessed as you and your children discover His truth! And remember you are making a difference in the lives of God’s children today. If you have any questions or would like some further lesson supports, please contact me at
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