Supernatural Christmas! Lesson 3/3 - Angels, Shepherds, and Wisemen

So many supernatural things happened around the birth of Jesus. It’s like God rolled up His sleeves and a bunch of miracles fell out of them! Just like we like to make a nice gift look really nice, too, with pretty ribbons and paper, God’s gift of Jesus to our world was the very best He had to give, but then He made the gift look beautiful, too, with all the miracles He did, just to make it special!

Now, I bet you think you know the whole story of Christmas… you know, the shepherds, the wisemen, Mary and Joseph, you’ve probably heard it all! But I bet you’ve never noticed just how supernatural it all really was.

Around the birth of Jesus, there are at least 16 notable miracles! To help notice them all, we’ve made up some paper Christmas ornaments (one for each supernatural miracle) that you can print off, cut out, and put up on a small tree as you discover all the supernatural things that make up the Christmas story. Today we’re looking at the miracles #11 - 16.

Supernatural Christmas Ornaments

Supernatural Christmas Verses - print these off to be read along with each ornament

Lesson 3: Angels, Shepherds and Wisemen

You can watch a video of this lesson here: A Super Christmas Episode 3

Here is also a printable version of this lesson outline: Supernatural Christmas Lesson 1 Outline (Please note: this lesson outline looks at the first NINE supernatural miracles.)

Supernatural Christmas Lesson 2 Outline (Please note: this lesson covers the 10th through 13th miracle.)

Supernatural Christmas Lesson 3 Outline (Please note: this lesson covers the 14th through 16th miracle.)

Last week, we looked at how Mary and Joseph experienced such supernatural miracles concerning the birth of baby Jesus. Joseph was even instructed by God through an angel in his dream.

Now he and Mary must travel together to go to Bethlehem, the city of David. After all, this has been prophesied as the place of the birth of the Messiah (Micah 5:2)! Here, they find the only place available to stay - in a stable! Here, Jesus is born. And right away, an angel shows up to some local shepherds, proclaiming the Messiah has finally been born, and they get to go see Him!. Supernatural Miracle #11 This angel is joined by a host of others, who sing out a joyous proclamation! Supernatural Miracle #12 ”Glory to God in the highest! And peace on earth to all whom God favours!”

The angel gives the shepherds something else supernatural - a word of wisdom and a sign (Supernatural Miracle #13) so they can find the Messiah. Can you imagine the sight and sound the shepherds experienced?!

Skip to the Middle East or Asia somewhere. A heavenly sign (Supernatural Miracle #14) shows up and some magi take notice. It’s enough of a sign that they decide to undertake a journey that would take them more than a year to complete. It must have been something!

So they arrive in Jerusalem, expecting to find the new king they knew must be there. Herod sends them to Bethlehem, and as they go, the star shows up again, and this time moves over the place where Jesus now lives. That’s definitely supernatural! (Supernatural Miracle #15)

After they present gifts to Jesus, the wisemen experience another Supernatural Miracle (#16) - they each experience a warning in a dream not to go back to Herod. So they leave for their own country without going back to Jerusalem.

This is the end of our study, but it’s not the end of the Supernatural Miracles for Jesus and his parents. For, this same night, Joseph is warned to flee Bethlehem in a dream. The supernatural events continue….!

Other Activities:

Here are some other colouring pages for your kids to enjoy:

Wisemen Colouring Sheet

Nativity Colouring Sheet

God’s Christmas Gifts - for elementary age children

Thank you for teaching your children the truths of God and His kingdom. Be blessed as you go through these lessons on the Supernatural Christmas! As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or for further lesson supports. Also, if your child prays the salvation prayer along with Super Tim in the video, I’d love to know!

Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year,



2020 Throwback: Virtual Christmas Pageant!


Supernatural Christmas! Lesson 2/3 - Mary and Joseph, Zacharias and Elizabeth