Gateway Victory Church

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God Is So Good! Lesson 9/9 - Jehovah Shammah, the Lord Is There

Welcome to our God Is So Good! lessons. This is the last lesson in this series, where we have been discovering more of God’s character through His names.

Each name of God shows a different side to His character, and it’s always good! We will also look at examples of God’s good character through Bible stories from Israel’s time under the reign of its kings, and how God’s good character still works for us as New Testament believers.

God is still good for you and me! This lesson is adaptable for children of all ages. Just do the parts that you know will work for your children.

First, here’s the main teaching video for this lesson:

God Is So Good! Episode 9 GVC Encounter Kids!

Also, here is a printable lesson outline for you and your kids:

God Is So Good! Lesson 9 Outline

In this lesson, we learn that Jesus will never leave us no matter where we go, so we will never be alone! Even though the kings and the people of Judah never stayed faithful to God for very long, and so went into exile, Jehovah Shammah, the Lord is There, still went with them. He still protected them, and promised to bring them back to their own land.

And a quick link for the Bible story contained in the lesson:

Bible Story: The Fiery Furnace; IShare

And you could call this the version for boys ;) The Fiery Furnace; Kids on the Move

And an activity and colouring page that goes along with it the lesson:

God Is So Good! Lesson 9 Activity Sheet

Enjoy learning all about God’s goodness in this lesson! And remember, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

As always, feel free to contact me for any questions or additional lesson supports.

Many blessings,
