Gateway Victory Church

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Jesus' Ascension!

Jesus’ Ascension!

 Hey Parents! We've been looking at the events surrounding Easter for the past couple of weeks. This week's lesson is all about Jesus’ last event while He was on earth: His ascension! Here are some activities and links to explore with your kids at home...

Activity: Have you ever watched a balloon filled with helium fly away? You might not be able to get one today, but there are lots of birds around these days. Try to look for one outside, and then try to watch it as it flies up high in the sky. How far away does it have to go before you can’t see it anymore? The disciples did the same thing with Jesus.

 Story: After Jesus rose from the dead, He spent time with His disciples and other followers for 40 days. Sometimes, He just supernaturally showed up! (Here’s a cool example of that happening: John 20:19-29)

 Jesus used this time to teach His disciples and other followers about everything the Scriptures said about Him, and why He had to die and be raised again: to conquer sin and death once and for all!

 Jesus also gave His disciples what we call the “Great Commission:” Go into all the world and preach the gospel [the good news about God’s love] to every creature. (Mark 16:15) This is still what we as followers of Jesus are commanded to do today! The whole reason Jesus came was to restore a relationship with man, and we can experience that only through Jesus.

 You can read the story of Jesus returning to heaven in Acts 1:1-14.

Or, find a video of this story here:  Jesus' Ascension - Saddleback Kids (search words: Jesus’ Ascension, Saddleback Kids)

 After you watch the video, talk about what Jesus did during His last days, and what He wanted His disciples to do after He was gone. Talk about how we’re still His disciples today, and Jesus’ instructions haven’t changed.  Feel free to watch the video again, pointing out what Jesus said.

Activation: So, if you know someone who doesn’t know that God loves them, how can you tell them? God wants to be able to have a relationship with them, too, and save them from sin and death.

Memory Verse Activity:

Mark 16:19 [Jesus] was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God.

Hopscotch Verse: Write each of the words of the verse on a full sheet of paper (scrap paper works great). Longer words can be spread across 2 sheets of paper. Tape them to the floor in a “hopscotch” sort of pattern. Have the child(ren) jump on them in hopscotch fashion, saying the verse aloud as they jump. Start to remove one of the sheets each time they jump and say the verse until all the sheets are gone from the floor, and they know the verse.

 Some Application Questions: (Ask and discuss the following according to the age level of your children)

- Why did Jesus need to leave His disciples and go back to heaven? He needed them to continue the work He started. This would set up a system of evangelism that would be multi-generational.

- Did Jesus’ work finish when He went back to heaven? Eph 1 says Jesus “sat down” on His throne beside God the Father. This means that He finished His “work” but now He’s “reigning.” The Bible also says He brings our prayers before the Father all the time; He is our advocate or intercessor.

- How can we continue to fulfill Jesus’ great commission today? By preaching the gospel, laying hands on the sick, being an example of His love and life to the world around us.

- How does Holy Spirit give us power to do Jesus’ great commission? His infilling gives us boldness and authority! You can ask for that today!

Here's a great prayer to pray together, and some fun activity sheets for your kids to do.

Have fun!


Dear Father,

Thank You for coming to earth for me. Thank You for dying on the cross so I can be free from sin  and have a relationship with You forever. Give me boldness by Your Holy Spirit to tell others about You and share Your love with them. I love You, Jesus!

Ascension Activities


Word Search

Spiral Craft