Welcome to 21 days of life-change!  

** Week 3 Update **

Here are the prayer gathering details for this final week of fasting. We hope to see you there! (Note: If you’re coming and you need one of the home addresses, please text us at 403-816-1684).

Tuesday, January 21 - 7 pm // Dave & Ania’s home

Thursday, January 23 - 7 pm // Steve & Helen’s home

Saturday, January 25 - 7 - 9 pm // Gateway Victory // 1991 Woodview Drive SW (a worship & prayer night with an acoustic set by our in-house music team!)

Spare yourself misplaced time and energy this January and get straight to what God has for you by taking some extra time to devote to hearing God’s voice and seeing Him work in your life.

On Fasting: Fasting is simply picking something you enjoy, that you can do without for a period of time, so as to devote extra focus and energy to your relationship with God. Why 21 Days? Answer: Daniel 10:3

When you fast, remember: 

  1. Pick a fast, and also choose something to fast for (a change you need to see, a miracle, etc.)

  2. Plan to spend extra time in prayer and Bible Study, allowing Him to speak to you. Calendar it!

  3. Stick with it! If you slip, simply get back on track and keep going

  4. Believe God before, during and after your fast! His promises will come true!

What to in your extra time with God: Follow the blueprint below, either as a weekly emphasis, or day by day. And make sure you’re in church and in the special prayer meetings too!

Week One

My Path - Seek God's wisdom on the "road of life" - where you’re at, where you’re headed.. 

Read: Proverbs 4:18-27 - Become familiar with these verses this week. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you about the way you live. This includes health, spirituality, family and friends, work, as well as personal character, habits, ways of thinking, etc.

Pray: Thank you for guidance in my life. I surrender all of me to you. Show me your ways! In Jesus Name

Each day this week, get quiet and ask Holy Spirit these questions: 

  1. From Proverbs 4:20 - Father, what words from you do you need me to hear about my life? Prov. 1:20

  2. From Proverbs 4:23 - How is my heart? Do I need to guard it differently? Psalm 1

  3. See Ephesians 2:10 - God, what are the works you have prepared for me this year? 1 Corinthians 2:10-11

  4. Pray Psalm 139 - Father, please search me and know me! What changes do you want me to make?

  5. Must see: Romans 6:11 - I am dead to sin; alive to God! Father, what are you making alive in me?

  6. Know this: Gal. 6:20 - Jesus, as I abide in you (John 15), what “fruit” are you growing in my life?

Week Two

His Promises - Ask God and believe Him for things He has spoken over you in the Word

Read: Hebrews 11:1-6 - Read this over a few times this week. Highlight the verses that stand out to you

Pray: Father, thank you for your Word! I agree with you and your promises over my life, in Jesus Name!

A daily promise: Read the verses, ask God for it, thank Him that you’ve received it (See Mark 11:23-24) 

  1. Sin and sickness dealt with! Read Isaiah 53:4-6

  2. Abundant life - fullness of life, for simply believing in Jesus! John 10:10

  3. The right to be a son/daughter of God! John 1:12, Romans 8:14-16

  4. The abundant blessing of God upon your life! Deuteronomy 28:1-14

  5. Spiritual blessing - the greatest promises, EVER: Ephesians 1 - Memorize some of this :-) 

  6. Victory over the enemy! See Luke 10:17-20 - Take your place! (See Ephesians 6:10-18)

Week Three

Our Church - This week let’s join together to pray for our church. When we pray for GVC we include ourselves, all that call Gateway their home, and all that will visit and become a part of our church family. Let’s call forth the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ throughout our whole sphere of influence in 2020

Read: Acts 2:38-37  - Read this chapter a few times this week. Highlight the verses that stand out to you

Pray: Father, thank you for Gateway Victory, and for much life-change this year as we encounter you here. Jesus, we cover GVC with your blood and thank you for work that provides us with protection, freedom from every form of the curse, and for our healing and wholeness. Holy Spirit, fill us afresh, each one, with your Presence. Come move among us to fulfill your plan for this year we pray. Let your Kingdom come and your will be done, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen! 

Each day, let's declare the work of God (Father, son, Holy Spirit) over our church. Remember, you're included! 

  1. Father - Revelations of His love. Ephesians 1:17-23 - Pray this exact prayer for our church!

  2. Son - Revelations of our place with Him. Colossians 3:1-4, Ephesians 1:20-23, & Ephesians 2:6

  3. Holy Spirit - Revival to pervade our church. For GVC to be a place of His Glory - Acts 4:31

  4. Father - Our provision - for GVC to be a place of abundance for many - Malachi 3:10-12

  5. Son - Our healer and deliverer - Isaiah 61:1-3

  6. Holy Spirit - Our empowerment for influence - Acts 1:8 - This is what it’s all about! Acts 26:18